Setting up Docker on Windows environment
An integrated, easy-to-deploy development environment for building, debugging and testing Docker apps on a Windows PC. Docker for Windows is a native Windows app deeply integrated with Hyper-V virtualization, networking and file system, making it the fastest and most reliable Docker environment for Windows.
Win 10 OS: Base machine must have Windows 10 Anniversary Edition or Creators Update (Professional or Enterprise). Following PS will automatically detect the OS version and configure Docker accordingly.
Get code to install and configure docker for windows
After installation Docker for Windows defaults to running Linux containers. Switch to Windows containers using either the Docker tray-menu or by running the following command in a PowerShell prompt
& $Env:ProgramFiles\Docker\Docker\DockerCli.exe -SwitchDaemon
Following PS will give you the installed version
docker version
Will discuss more about containers in upcoming posts.
Please do let me know your thoughts/ suggestions/ question in disqus section.
Related Posts
- My First Docker Container
- Docker Definitions and Taxonomy
- Docker Overview
- Container - It’s all about Application