In this post I am going to walk you through the Deploy-AzureResourceGroup.ps1. This PS script is use to perform validation, create artifact storage, container and SAS token (if required) and finally execute template deployment.

Please make a note that you don’t need this whole script file. You can simply use Azure RM PowerShell, which will do the deployments for you. But in this case it will not perform any validation other activities.

Deployment using simple PS

New-AzureRmResourceGroup: If you wish to deploy resource inside new resource group, execute this PS. It will create Resource group in specified location. Do not execute this PS, if you want to have a deployment inside the existing resource group.

New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Location "$ResourceGroupLocation" -Name $StorageResourceGroupName -Force
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name ((Get-ChildItem $TemplateFile).BaseName + '-' + ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).ToString('MMdd-HHmm')) `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-TemplateFile $TemplateFile `
-TemplateParameterFile $TemplateParametersFile `
@OptionalParameters `
-Force -Verbose `
-ErrorVariable ErrorMessages
if ($ErrorMessages) {
Write-Output '', 'Template deployment returned the following errors:', @(@($ErrorMessages) | ForEach-Object { $_.Exception.Message.TrimEnd("`r`n") })

First section of this script is parameter.

-Name: Name of deployment. (you can define your naming schema as well).

-ResourceGroupName: Name of the resource group against which you want to run this deployment.

-TemplateFile: Name of the template file (e.g. azuredeploy.json).

-TemplateParameterFile: Name of the template file (e.g. azuredeploy.Parameter.json).

@OptionParameters: you can provide values for the parameters that you have in template file. This also support overriding the default values (if any).

-Force: Execute deployment forcefully.

-Verbose: Display all the details.

Deployment using Deploy-AzureResourceGroup.ps1

$ResourceGroupLocation: Resource group location is mandatory proprty (use -ResourceGroupLocation).

$ResourceGroupName: Name of the resource group. ‘AzureResourceGroup1’ is default name for the resource group, but you can override it by providing different name (use -ResourceGroupName).

$UploadArtifacts: This will help to upload all the artifacts in/ from storage on fly by using SAS token.

StorageAccountName: Name of the storage account where, we would like to upload artifacts.

StorageContainerName: Name of the container to upload the artifacts.

TemplateFile: Name of the template file.

$TemplateParametersFile: Name of the template parameter file.

$DSCSourceFolder: Name of the DSC folder. All the artifacts inside this will be zipped during upload.

$ValidateOnly: This argument is used when you would like to validate the template without starting deployment. It’s a good practice to always test your deployment, in case of any issue e.g. Core limits, name uniqueness etc. it will save lot of time.

#Requires -Version 3.0
[string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ResourceGroupLocation,
[string] $ResourceGroupName = 'AzureResourceGroup1',
[switch] $UploadArtifacts,
[string] $StorageAccountName,
[string] $StorageContainerName = $ResourceGroupName.ToLowerInvariant() + '-stageartifacts',
[string] $TemplateFile = 'azuredeploy.json',
[string] $TemplateParametersFile = 'azuredeploy.parameters.json',
[string] $ArtifactStagingDirectory = '.',
[string] $DSCSourceFolder = 'DSC',
[switch] $ValidateOnly

Following block helps to get authenticated.

try {
[Microsoft.Azure.Common.Authentication.AzureSession]::ClientFactory.AddUserAgent("VSAzureTools-$UI$($".replace(' ','_'), '3.0.0')
} catch { }
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Set-StrictMode -Version 3

Following function provide the template validation

function Format-ValidationOutput {
param ($ValidationOutput, [int] $Depth = 0)
Set-StrictMode -Off
return @($ValidationOutput | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null } | ForEach-Object { @(' ' * $Depth + ': ' + $_.Message) + @(Format-ValidationOutput @($_.Details) ($Depth + 1)) })

by using $OptionalParameters, we can override or provide the values for parameters in JSON template. We have to add two special parameter if want to use $Uploadartifacts option



Will discuss this in upcoming post. It also create a storage and container and upload artifacts by using SAS token. Artifacts inside ‘$DSCSourceFolder’ location will be zipped.

$OptionalParameters = New-Object -TypeName Hashtable
$TemplateFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath([System.IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, $TemplateFile))
$TemplateParametersFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath([System.IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, $TemplateParametersFile))
if ($UploadArtifacts) {
# Convert relative paths to absolute paths if needed
$ArtifactStagingDirectory = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath([System.IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, $ArtifactStagingDirectory))
$DSCSourceFolder = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath([System.IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, $DSCSourceFolder))
# Parse the parameter file and update the values of artifacts location and artifacts location SAS token if they are present
$JsonParameters = Get-Content $TemplateParametersFile -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
if (($JsonParameters | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty 'parameters') -ne $null) {
$JsonParameters = $JsonParameters.parameters
$ArtifactsLocationName = '_artifactsLocation'
$ArtifactsLocationSasTokenName = '_artifactsLocationSasToken'
$OptionalParameters[$ArtifactsLocationName] = $JsonParameters | Select -Expand $ArtifactsLocationName -ErrorAction Ignore | Select -Expand 'value' -ErrorAction Ignore
$OptionalParameters[$ArtifactsLocationSasTokenName] = $JsonParameters | Select -Expand $ArtifactsLocationSasTokenName -ErrorAction Ignore | Select -Expand 'value' -ErrorAction Ignore
# Create DSC configuration archive
if (Test-Path $DSCSourceFolder) {
$DSCSourceFilePaths = @(Get-ChildItem $DSCSourceFolder -File -Filter '*.ps1' | ForEach-Object -Process {$_.FullName})
foreach ($DSCSourceFilePath in $DSCSourceFilePaths) {
$DSCArchiveFilePath = $DSCSourceFilePath.Substring(0, $DSCSourceFilePath.Length - 4) + '.zip'
Publish-AzureRmVMDscConfiguration $DSCSourceFilePath -OutputArchivePath $DSCArchiveFilePath -Force -Verbose
# Create a storage account name if none was provided
if ($StorageAccountName -eq '') {
$StorageAccountName = 'stage' + ((Get-AzureRmContext).Subscription.SubscriptionId).Replace('-', '').substring(0, 19)
$StorageAccount = (Get-AzureRmStorageAccount | Where-Object{$_.StorageAccountName -eq $StorageAccountName})
# Create the storage account if it doesn't already exist
if ($StorageAccount -eq $null) {
$StorageResourceGroupName = 'ARM_Deploy_Staging'
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Location "$ResourceGroupLocation" -Name $StorageResourceGroupName -Force
$StorageAccount = New-AzureRmStorageAccount -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName -Type 'Standard_LRS' -ResourceGroupName $StorageResourceGroupName -Location "$ResourceGroupLocation"
# Generate the value for artifacts location if it is not provided in the parameter file
if ($OptionalParameters[$ArtifactsLocationName] -eq $null) {
$OptionalParameters[$ArtifactsLocationName] = $StorageAccount.Context.BlobEndPoint + $StorageContainerName
# Copy files from the local storage staging location to the storage account container
New-AzureStorageContainer -Name $StorageContainerName -Context $StorageAccount.Context -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue *>&1
$ArtifactFilePaths = Get-ChildItem $ArtifactStagingDirectory -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object -Process {$_.FullName}
foreach ($SourcePath in $ArtifactFilePaths) {
Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -File $SourcePath -Blob $SourcePath.Substring($ArtifactStagingDirectory.length + 1) `
-Container $StorageContainerName -Context $StorageAccount.Context -Force
# Generate a 4 hour SAS token for the artifacts location if one was not provided in the parameters file
if ($OptionalParameters[$ArtifactsLocationSasTokenName] -eq $null) {
$OptionalParameters[$ArtifactsLocationSasTokenName] = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force `
(New-AzureStorageContainerSASToken -Container $StorageContainerName -Context $StorageAccount.Context -Permission r -ExpiryTime (Get-Date).AddHours(4))

Following section will create a new resource group (if desired resource group is not exist) and do the deployment.

# Create or update the resource group using the specified template file and template parameters file
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Location $ResourceGroupLocation -Verbose -Force
if ($ValidateOnly) {
$ErrorMessages = Format-ValidationOutput (Test-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-TemplateFile $TemplateFile `
-TemplateParameterFile $TemplateParametersFile `
if ($ErrorMessages) {
Write-Output '', 'Validation returned the following errors:', @($ErrorMessages), '', 'Template is invalid.'
else {
Write-Output '', 'Template is valid.'
else {
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name ((Get-ChildItem $TemplateFile).BaseName + '-' + ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).ToString('MMdd-HHmm')) `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-TemplateFile $TemplateFile `
-TemplateParameterFile $TemplateParametersFile `
@OptionalParameters `
-Force -Verbose `
-ErrorVariable ErrorMessages
if ($ErrorMessages) {
Write-Output '', 'Template deployment returned the following errors:', @(@($ErrorMessages) | ForEach-Object { $_.Exception.Message.TrimEnd("`r`n") })

Azure Resource Manager naming conventions Best practices for creating Azure Resource Manager templates

Please do let me know your thoughts/ suggestions/ question in disqus section.

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About Ajeet Chouksey

With a robust background spanning more than 18 years, I am an adept Azure and Azure DevOps architect and engineer, dedicated to crafting Azure-centric solutions that prioritize customer requirements and agile methodologies. My expertise encompasses steering extensive cloud migration initiatives and advocating for Azure best practices, all aimed at streamlining costs and steering multinational teams towards success. Fueled by a passion for technological innovation, I am committed to perpetual learning, constantly advancing my proficiency in Azure, AI, MLOps, and Product Management to stay at the forefront of the industry..